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Is Your Body Toxic? [Foods That Detox]

Is your body toxic?  The answer in most cases is yes. Depending on what you eat your body could be building up toxic chemicals dee...

Is your body toxic? 

The answer in most cases is yes. Depending on what you eat your body could be building up toxic chemicals deep within your body. Eating the right foods can reverse the build up and damage.

Here are some foods to eat to help your body detox!

The Best Foods For Detox:

So you have made the decision to go through a detoxification process. The elimination of fast foods, red meats, pork, junk foods, sugary drinks - but wait. What's left to eat? There is plenty left to eat, and once you get the junk out of your system and start eating right during your detox, chances are you probably will not want to go back to you old habits. You will find that once you start your detox, there are lots of healthy and nutritious detox foods to eat. These foods will help you in the process of the detoxification of your system.

To begin you will want to keep yourself well hydrated. You will want to drink lots of water and juices. Try to discipline yourself to stay away from sugary, and caffeinated drinks as much as possible. There are a variety of juices to choose from including fresh fruits, and vegetable juices that you can make at home. Herbal tea is also a great source in assisting the detox process.

To take advantage and maximize the time and discipline dedicated to your detox, and to achieve maximum results, you will want to have a diet rich in fresh fruits and vegetables. Suggestions for rich detox foods are: broccoli, red and green vegetables, cauliflower, beets, onions and garlic.

Beans are an important detox food and a major source of protein and are a great source of fiber. Suggestions for your detox are kidney beans, pinto beans, garbanzo and soybeans. It is very difficult to go wrong with legumes, so pad your new diet with this source.

When considering your detox foods, instead of eating white rice and pasta, substitute these products with brown basmati rice, or other brown grains. And try focusing on enjoying lighter, smaller meals. Vegetable based soups and salads are light, but can be filling as a meal.

Experiment with dishes and try eating a fresh vegetable platter with no meat. Look at the colors on your plate from now on. The more colors on your plate in terms of your fruits and vegetables, the healthier you are generally eating. If you find yourself craving grains, trying a dish of brown basmati rice with fresh green beans, and cream of mushroom soup, combined into a casserole. As a side dish, slice up a fresh tomato and garnish with a small amount of olive oil and vinegar. Once you complete detoxing you are going to find that you don't miss meat as much as you thought you would. You will begin to feel lighter in your center, and have much more energy that tends to accompany this feeling.

An area that is tough for most people once they start the cleansing procedure is in the area of snack foods. Instead of snacking on chips, candy and cookies, try to snack on nuts and seeds as a healthier source. Suggestions include sunflower seeds, flaxseeds, pumpkin seeds, almonds, cashews, and walnuts.

Try to avoid fried foods during this detox period. Get in the habit of eating lots of baked fish, preferably organic. Chose healthy oils like Coconut oil, lose the bad oils (most that are in the supermarket).

When you choose to eat fresh greens such as salads, avoid salad dressings and try using olive oil and a small amount of vinegar. Minimize adding salt to all of your foods.

Avoid processed cakes and cookies and other such flour-based products during your detox.

Most importantly before you start a detox process consult your physician. Plan your detox so that it is done at a convenient time. You don't want to shock your body, so begin to make gradual changes once you have made up your mind that it is time to "clean house." And by all means, ensure that you are properly hydrated during the process.

Author: Lola Inez
Source Article:

Source graphic: Rawforbeauty

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